









101、The activation of …. in response to….. signalling is required for….., and the results  

presented above suggest that ….. is a component of this signaling cascade  

102、To test this hypothesis, we performed….. This feature might explain the fact that  

103、In vivo experiments suggest that ….This is supported by the fact that depletion  

of….with  the aid  of  RNA interference  (RNAi) attenuates  Rho activation in  response  

to …To further explore the mechanism of …. function, we examined the interactions  

between…..and ,…..  

104、To investigate the function of….  

105、We tested this prediction by analyzing….  

106、Several  studies  have  demonstrated  that  …..pathway  controls……  during  ….  

development, and that activation of……. is an indispensable step in this process  

107、This  difference  may  reflect  the  fact  that……common  but  variant  molecular  

mechanism may be involved in  

108、Five lines of evidence indicate that……. led us to predict and verify that……  

109、It will be interesting to investigate whether ….. has an importantfunction in this  


110、…..used  as  a  traditional  Chinese  medicine  for  centuries,    offers  therapeutic  

potential for cardiovascular and other diseases. …….., extracted from the root extract  

of rhubarb has sparked increasing interest for therapeutic application.  

111、It was postulated that…. Therefore the present study was designed to study the  

effect of….on VSMCs proliferation induced by Ang II, and the expression of….  

112、…. has been implicated in…. underlining its importance in cardiovascular disease

113、XXX provided a possible avenue for interference with VSMCs proliferation….  

114、The major finding of this work showed that….  

115、The present study provided a valuable novel insight into molecular mechanisms  

of ….inhibited VSMCs proliferation induced by …….  

1 116、To verify that emodin mediated effects on VSMCs were not a consequence of  

cytotoxicity,  LDH  activity  was  determined  as  a  parameter  of  cytotoxicity  in  

supernatants of emodin and Ang II‐treated cells. Consistent with the light microscope  

observations, LDH activity in  supernatants of  treated and untreated cells  remained  

unchanged. So the inhibitory effect was mainly due to an inhibition of cell proliferation  

rather than to a direct cytotoxic effect.  

117 Further  evidence  was  provided  that  ….played  a  crucial  role  in  the  

cardioprotective properties of …..  

118、  The present study was undertaken to elucidate the effect of the …. and …. in  

combination on XXX. The present studies were undertaken to investigate the potential  

effect of…. and to explore the cellular mechanism of cross‐talk of the AT1 receptor and  

statin in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs).  

119、The present study explored the possibility that…..  

120、Collectively, these facts and speculations suggest that …  

121、In order to ascertain a causal relationship between  

122、Unfortunately, we could not completely exclude the involvement of  

123、Collectively, these facts and speculations suggest that …  

124、Although molecular mechanisms involved in … have not been fully clarified, …  

125、In summary, the present study demonstrates that …  

126.in  our  conditions  we  could  not  rule  out  a  possible  involvement  of  this  …  in  

mediating …  

127、In support of this hypothesis, it has been shown that…..  

128、  This potentiation effect indirectly suggests that each agonist uses a different  

signaling pathway  

129   Most  likely  this  is  due  to  an  accumulative  effect  of  both  drugs  

inhibiting ……activity.  

130、  It is  tempting  to  speculate  that  the beneficial effect of…may also be due  to   inhibition of…..  

131、  The relevance and the exact mechanisms by which aspirin affects SR‐BI, CD36  

and ABCA1 in vitro remain to be determined, as does the role of CD36 expression in  

antiatherogenic conditions.  

132、In the present study, first, we investigated the expression of PPARs in BAEC, and  

subsequently,  examined  whether  PPAR  activators  modify  TNF‐a‐and  PMA‐induced  

LOX‐1 expression in cultured BAEC.  

133、Our results do not allow us to exclude the participation of such mechanisms in  

the downregulation of  

134、Although the potential roles of this receptor in atherogenesis are not yet fully  

understood, it has been suggested that  

135、In the current study, we investigated the effect of….  

136、In the last decade, it was recognized that … play a pivotal role in both early and  

late atherogenesis  

137、…..are fundamental ‘players’ in atherogenesis since they change the properties  

of different cells involved in atherosclerosis and thrombosis  

138、This review elucidates the major aspects concerning….

139、Interestingly, in vitro and in vivo studies have revealed that…..  

140、The predominant function of ….in atherosclerotic lesion formation is thought to  

be activation of ……  

141、As we and others have reported,…. …….were the first to show in vivo that…

142、Recent reports have established SMCs as a major player in the initiation of the  

atherosclerotic process in addition to their role in thrombus formation after plaque  

rupture in late atherosclerosis.  

143、In fact, there is increasing evidence that….

144、Although it is not fully clear which receptor is responsible for the binding of native  

lipoproteins, some data indicate that…

 145、The emerging concept that….

146 It  is  well  known  that…However,  there  are  different  opinions  

concerning…Furthermore, it is still not sufficiently elucidated whether…

147、In an earlier study we showed that…. Especially noteworthy is that..  

148、The expression pattern and role of…..in SMC is still not clear.  

149、In this study, we focused on …..expression by SMC in atherosclerotic lesions and  

the effects of different cytokines on….expression in cultured AoSMC, as well as uptake  

of oxLDL in these cells.  

150、Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain the … effect on….  

151、we are  currently investigating in  our laboratory whether  these pathways are  implicated in….  

152 To  the  best  of  our  knowledge,  this  is  the  first  evidence  that  …..may  affect ….through the modulation of…..  

153、The experiments with ……confirmed the central role played by ….. in controlling….  

154、So far, our study shows that…..  

155 The  mechanism  by  which……may  affect  RhoA  activity  is  currently  under  investigation in our laboratory.  

156、In summary, our results suggest that……On the other hand, our study suggests  that….  

157、Although that difference did not reach statistical significance, a certain trend was  noted.  

158、Moreover, we have observed that simvastatin impaired NF‐kB binding activity  more  intensively  than  a  concentration  of  XXX.  Preincubation  with  the  antioxidant  PDTC (200 mmol/L) also reduced NF‐kB activity  

159、To test whether NF‐kB binding activity increment was due to intracellular XXX,  VSMC  were  preincubated  with  Tiron,  a  membrane‐permeable  non  enzymatic  XXX  scavenger…..  

160、To  study  the  implication  of…..  in……  activation  elicited  by….., …..  cells  were  incubated with SB 20358 (p38 kinase specific inhibitor) and PD 98059 (p42/44 specific  inhibitor) 1 hour prior to….  

161、In this work we have demonstrated that lipophilic HMG‐CoA reductase inhibitors,  atorvastatin  and  simvastatin,  interfere  with  the……  signaling  pathway  stimulated  by …...  

162、Several  authors  have  already  proposed  that  statins  may  possess  antioxidant  propertiesin vitro and in vivo,,,,,,  

163、In  recent  years,  accumulating  evidence  have  demonstrated  the  pleiotropic  effects  of HMG‐CoA  reductase inhibitors including antiinflammatory effects. In  this  regard, we have previously shown that pretreatment of ……cells with…. reduced the …. binding activity elicited by proinflammatory agents such as ……..  

164、Several indirect lines of evidence suggest a role for…..  

165、To understand the mechanisms implicated in NF‐kB inhibition by statins, we first investigated the effect of statins on….. levels. We have shown that the pretreatment of,,,,,,,, with ……. Prevents…… Accordingly, several authors have demonstrated that……  

166、Along these lines, we and others have shown that……  

167 however,  the  mechanisms  by  which  the  inhibition  of…….  led  to  the stabilization…….remain to be elucidated.  

168、Contradictory results have been reported because it has been shown that….  

169、….have spawned a wide variety of clinically useful inhibitors collectively referred to as ‘statins’.  

170、….has been docu‐mented in numerous studies  

171、Recent in vitro and in vivo evidence suggests that…. however, the mechanisms responsible have only recently begun to come to light.  

172、This work is significant in that it demonstrates for the first time…  

173、The present study describes the characterization of……. holds great promise for the use of statins to treat…..  

174、This discrepancy has invited speculation regarding other activities of these drugs  

175、..has recently become recognized as a central player in a variety of cellular events including……  

176、The functional significance of this activity is demonstrated by observations that..  

Other recent studies support this finding, demonstrating that…  

177、The development of…has been a major milestone in the primary and secondary prevention of coronary heart disease.  

178、It has been recently proposed that….. These agents, besides…. have a multitude of other effects, which may have a bearing on  the cardioprotective effect of these  agents  

179、The present study was designed to examine the following hypotheses: (a);(b);  (c)  

180、There appears to be general agreementthat….  

181、A number of excellent reviews are available with regard to the current views on atherogenesis  

182、This is consonant with the fact that….  

183、There is an abundant amount of epidemiological evidence indicating that…  

184、It  is  generally  supposed  that  the  active  constituents  contributing  to  these protective effects are anti‐oxidant….  

185、There has been a growing interest in exploring  the health advantages of …in  recent years  

186、In order to explore the capacity of free radical scavenging/quenching of….  

187 The  data  were  quantitatively  assessed  by….  However,  it  remains  to  be  established whether,,,,,  

188、The aim of this investigation is to measure the effect of……in general on…  

189、Further  experiments  in  animal  model  of  anti‐atherosclerotic  activities  and   pharmacological  properties  and  the  mechanisms  of  natural  dieting  components  of ….are needed.  

190、……is a hallmark and key event of early atherogenesis  

191、Several  studies  have  strongly  implicated  activation  of  ….in  the  pathogenesis  of ……  

192、Interestingly enough, our data unmask an antiatherosclerotic effect of …….  

193、Of particular interest is the fact that in our study ………  

194、the present findings suggest a role for….. in atherogenesis……and anticipate the  application of……_ inhibitors as putative antiatherosclerotic drugs.  

195、…prompt us to hypothesize that…..  

196、Therefore, it is interesting to hypothesize that  

197、Recently, we have shown the presence of。。。

198、Future experiments should address the question to what extent both activation  and inhibition of NF‐kB affectthe process of atherogenesis。。。。

199、One of the most important atheroprotective roles of HDL is reverse cholesterol  

transport, in which excess cholesterol in macrophage foam cells undergoes efflux and  then is transported to the liver for excretion in the bile  

200、Therefore,  more  research  is  warranted  to  determine  the  role  of  …..  in  the  pathophysiology of cardiovascular disease.

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